Examples Of Seven Deadly Sins In The Great Gatsby

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Books are global objects that most people can relate to, for example the seven deadly sins. The seven deadly sins have been a lifelong example of what to be, and not be. Obviously, if these sins are a way of life for some people, it's no wonder they can be traced back to any book. For example, a very popular book, To Kill A Mockingbird has multiple sins shown throughout the book, pride is one of them. Julius Caesar is a classic, and is often quoted in commercials and T.V. shows. The sin displayed here is greed. The Great Gatsby is beloved by many, and read by more. The sin prominent throughout this story is lust. Finally, Night is a true story about the horrors of the Holocaust, the sin ridiculed here is wrath. Four very different books, and …show more content…

It follows a stranger in the town of West Egg known as Nick. Nick is labeled as the new kind of rich, having lots of money but not for long. He lives the lavish lifestyle, going to big parties, attending fancy dinners, and enjoying time with people without doing any work. While at a party, he hears rumors about the man who threw the party. The rumors, like usual, are not good. The attendees claim that he murdered a man, something the mysterious figure will not disprove or prove. Suddenly, the mysterious man appears and talks to Nick. Nick learns that his name is Gatsby, a person under the group of old rich. Gatsby talks and talks, seemingly without end about truly nothing. However, Nick learns that the reason behind all these expensive parties is for a girl who goes by the name of Daisy. Daisy and Nick are relatively close, so Gatsby asks for a favor of Nick, and that is to ask Daisy for a chance with Gatsby. Gatsby and Daisy had a thing before Gatsby went off to war, but things change during that time. When Gatsby returned Daisy was a mother with another man, even though she promised to wait for Gatsby. Gatsby, obviously still wants Daisy so he posses the deadly sin of lust. His lust for Daisy will eventually be his demise when he lies for her safety. Lust isn’t only shown through Gatsby however, Nick also shows lust in a way. His form of lust is for acceptance, he strives to be loved by everyone in …show more content…

The seven deadly sins are older than dirt in a sense, and it’s no wonder they can be found in almost every book. However, these books clearly show the deadly sins of pride, greed, lust, and wrath. To Kill A Mockingbird expresses pride through it’s memorable characters. Julius Caesar finds pride in the characters of Antony, Caesar, and Brutus. The Great Gatsby puts lust to shame through Gatsby and the consequences he experiences for having a deadly sin. Night shows how a deadly sin can be in an entire population, not just one single soul. Even though the seven deadly sins are mostly bad, these books also show that even the most innocent of characters can, and probably does consist of at least one deadly sin. Some can have more, and very rarely can a person posses

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