Art Ideology In Art

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Rep 2: Footnote Art is the creation of products (material or immaterial) consisting great aesthetic values can spread strong feelings to the viewers. Art can be enjoyed through senses and emotions, through skills and techniques far beyond the normal level. What is called art requires humanism, great moral values and high technical levels. One of the most fundamental and significant features of art is ideology. Art is ideological. This statement will be supported with the examples drawn from the lectures, tutorials and readings such as….. When we refer to ideology, we talk about a set of ideas and beliefs in the society which help adjust goals, plans and actions of people and make sense of society. Ideology can be interpreted as a broad point …show more content…

The theory of feminist is formed greatly from the difference of gender. Gender refers to the social roles in everyday life. Gender affects greatly to the way we interpret art. Art and experience cannot be approached netrually (nguon) Feminists believe that art and politics should not exist seperately. Feminist art critiques broaden our knowledge about viewers' response to images, especially with the identification of male gaze in art. Male gaze can be thought of the reflection of women in visual representation dependent on the viewpoint of the men. The reflection of women in paintings or advertisements is just for males pleasure. It was reported that 85% of nude paintings are female (nguon: buc tranh trong lecture)Females is passively observed for the enjoyment of male. The interpretation of female images in art shapes our view on women. What we call ideology or prejudice of woman in art is just the matter of the men's eyes. Men look at women and women are aware that they are being watched through the eyes of men. In the Aussie Bodies Advertising 2013, what draws our attention is not the product but the slim female body in a swimsuit on the beach with a shining

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