Environment Steward: Mantenaince of Environmental Compliance

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Environment Steward- Striving to sustain natural resources and keeping the environment free from pollution for our future generations is what Environment Steward Basic objective. Livelihood of the people is dependent on the natural resources. Due to fast paced lifestyle the pressure on the environment is continuously increasing. Hence, it is the duty of the citizens and the business community to take responsibility towards the smooth operation of their activities which should not hamper the environment much. Big role is played by small businesses to preserve and protect the environment. They can do this successfully and can also maintain competition at the same time. To be an environment player or environment steward creates a good image in the market, which can lower business cost and can also create safer workplace. Air Asia can participate in the following Environmental Stewardship Activities – Maintenance of Environmental Compliance – Ensuring that the business is following all environmental regulations which are applicable. Self Assessment can be conducted on the company to know...

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