Abuse and Manipulation: An Analysis of Ender's Game

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In Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card, we see the life, struggles, and choices of Ender Wiggin. After reading the book, we as the readers can interpret what we believe the book was meant to accomplish in terms of the moral questions it raises. Some believe that Card wrote the book as a self-serving justification of Enders actions. However, I believe that the story is not a justification of Enders actions, but instead an illustration of the abuse and mistreatment of a young child. Through the entire story, we watch as Ender is manipulated and wronged by authority figures. He does not receive the love, affection and care that parents are supposed to deliver to their children. He is constantly being physically and mentally abused by his older brother and school bullies, yet no adult ever comes to his rescue. This pattern isn’t just apparent during his life on Earth because it continues and follows him as he moves on to battle school. A specific example of this can be seen as him and his launch group are making the journey to the school for the first time. During this trip Graft makes a show of telling all the other launchees how impressive Ender is, which results in him being repeatedly struck in the head. Not only does this authority figure fail to intervene and help Ender, but as the abuse continues Ender has a sudden realization. “Then it had become clear. Graft had deliberately caused it”(Card, 32). This example shows how someone who …show more content…

It is instead a story that illustrates the life of a child who has been constantly manipulated and mistreated by the authority figures in his life. It is true that the author created a story in which we sympathize with the main character, however, that sympathy does not change the immorality of his actions. Although the novel offers us understanding as to why Ender made the choices he did, it does not excuse those

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