Employee’s Intention to Stay and Intention to Quit: An Empirical Study

1979 Words4 Pages

The success or failure of any organization is primarily depends on its employees. All the HR managers are always having the concern about the employee’s intention towards the organization. Because if suppose the employees are having intention to quit their jobs will be a costly one to the companies which will lead to the cost of recruitment and selection, cost involved in training and development, more than the loss of knowledgeable employee who got experience while his job is critical. The role of HR manager is therefore very critical in maintaining the selected, well trained employees in the organization for longer periods. So retaining this invaluable ‘asset’ of the company is now becoming a most crucial function of all HR functionaries. They have to be constantly given more and more awareness about the damaging effects of Job hopping and thus avoid attrition rate of employees at all costs. This research paper tried to find out the perception of employees towards his job and the factors which are making the employee to leave from the organization.
Literature Review:
In laymen level employee turnover can be understood as employees leaving their organization voluntarily. But technically employee turnover is defined as a ratio between employees appointed in a company and left out from that company in a particular period of time. The employee turnover has both positive and negative influences on organizational performance (e.g., Dalton & Todor, 1979; Dess & Shaw, 2001; Mobley, 1982; Staw, 1980). Maintaining the satisfaction level of employees is the main root for the success of the organization for a long period of time (Berry, 1997). Losing the skilled employees will lead to the reduction in quality, producti...

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