Attachment And The Physical Environment

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Attachment begins in infancy and lasts throughout a lifetime. Attachment can be defined as the emotional bond between a child and a primary caregiver (Snyder, Shapiro & Treleaven, 2012). It begins in utero, develops over a period, and exist in different levels. Infants are born with certain cues that help parents understand their need and form of attachment, like crying, cooing and clinging. According to Howe, Brandon, Hinings, and Schofiel attachment is crucial for the child to be able to attain full intellectual potential, think logically, develop social emotions, trust, develop conscience, become self-reliant and cope with stress and frustration (1999). Four different attachment classifications include, secure attachment, anxious resistant, …show more content…

If the child has avoidant attachment, the child will more freely explore and be involved activities. Toddler’s autonomy is very important because it allows the child to take decisions and become its own being. Physical environment is very important for toddler autonomy because it helps them move around with the different activities. Preschooler’s initiative is the ability to act and make decisions without the help or advice of other people. Initiative influences the physical environment because activities provided can help in the decision making the child has to make and this will help the child act by …show more content…

This avoidance often becomes especially pronounced after a period of absence. These children might not reject attention from a parent, but neither do they seek comfort or contact. Children with an avoidant attachment show no preference between a parent and a complete stranger. Many children’s insecurity is the fault of the parents because of the attention that they gave the child and how they were treated. When the parent decides to bring a child into this world, they need to understand that they are responsible for every aspect in the child’s life. Many children who are not loved and taken care the correct way, with love and proper care, grow up to be insecure adults and it is where all the issues of suicide and mistrust

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