Drinking At Work Essay

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“Dating on the job is like eating at your desk: Invariably, it’s going to get messy” is a very accurate statement. It might seem like a great idea to start an romantic relationship or a great friendship in the workplace, because most of your awake hours are spend at work with these same coworkers everyday. What no one says is that the workplace attracts a considerable amount drama and communication issues. That vary from misinterpretation, listening skills, new hires, and lack of feedback from employees to managers. Unfortunately, mixing business and pleasure is by far the most problematic due to miscommunication issues and drama associated with interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Starting any type of relationship at work other …show more content…

Free booze, you hang out with you friends with work and that cute guy from the office and there is free food. What Ive leaned in life, is wherever there is booze, there will be some type of trouble. Drinking at work has always seemed liked a bad idea to me. When your drunk or even just tipsy your guard isn 't up and you aren 't thinking straight. When you are at work not drunk your guard is always up because you don 't want to get fired so why would you get drunk at work with your bosses there? Especially when desperately want to hook up with the guy in the next department over but are too scared to talk to him otherwise you have a little liquid courage. Unfortunately I was right when it went wrong for a work friend during the last christmas staff party. We all shared a office building but worked for different companies within that building. However, everyone was invited to one holiday party. my work friend really liked this guy from another company. During the party they started to talk, and they never talked before because she was too scared that he might not be into her, but t was obvious he was. During that party, lets just say they went to the bathroom and got friendly. They also got even more drunk and went to home together that night. We all know what happened because they had always flirted, she had mentioned she liked him beforehand and that particular night the left drunk hand in hand just a little too comfortable while laughing, but at that point everyone was just guessing of what happened that night. Unfortunately ,the next day instead of keeping her sexual endeavors to herself she told all the girls in the office and of course someone told the guys of the off ice and next thing we all know its all over the building. The guys started harassing her about the guy and what she did with the guy. She started getting mad that the guys were confronting her about the issue. Frankly, if she would

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