Sedentary Lifestyle Essay

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Sedentary lifestyles have greatly contributed to obesity, and to the diseases affecting to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. It has been shown that physical inactivity reduces our strength, results in low energy levels, and causes obesity. It is therefore very essential to ensure we that lead a physically active life. Exercising regularly is the key to a healthy life. However, this is hampered by factors like lack of motivation, time and money. Walking is easy, free, simple, and one of the best ways to lose weight, become healthier and get more active. Though underrated as a form of exercise, walking is ideal for people of all fitness levels, and ages who want to be more active. Walking regularly has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, including Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, asthma, stroke and some types of cancer. How can you increase the amount of walking you do every week and maximize the health benefits? All the equipment you really need for walking is a pair of shoes. Go for trainers or any shoes that provide adequate support, are comfortable, and don 't cause blisters. To be able to move more freely, wear loose-fitting clothing, and choose …show more content…

This program was designed to ensure that people get enough physical activity daily. It is equal to 5 miles per day or 8 kilometers and is considered a benchmark for healthy living. This target was recommended by the US Surgeon General and the UK Department of health. Start slowly and gradually work up till you reach the daily target of 10 000 steps. Starting slowly helps your body to adapt and avoid injury. It is advisable to consult a doctor in case of any problems. Also it is good to a pedometer. Wear it daily for at least 2 weeks without changing the daily routine. Set a goal, and walk as much as it feels comfortable. Most people walk between 3 000 and 4 000 steps a day so achieving the 10 000 steps isn 't as daunting as it might appear at

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