Snow And Rain Advantages And Disadvantages

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Snow and rain can provide many benefits, but at the same time hinder and burden our lives and environment. Rain is precipitation that falls down as a liquid from clouds, which can be beneficial to our environment, however, it can be of an annoyance in urban areas. Snow is also a form of precipitation and can provide benefits to the environment, but like rain, it is a concern to those in urban areas. Rain is a part of the water cycle, which provides us with fresh water and can act as a cleanser in nature. Fresh water is essential to human beings as it is a necessity for us to live and survive. Our bodies are mainly composed of water, so rain can give us a fundamental component of life to sustain ourselves.
When the rain pours down it washes …show more content…

Snow can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicle due to the lack of friction and put bystanders in danger. Car accidents are commonly caused by snow and account for most auto accidents. It also burdens many people by having to be shoveled out driveways, sidewalks, and pathways. This is an exhausting task to clear, especially when snowfall occurs daily, which might cause fatigue and body aches. Snow in cities seems to only be punitive rather than joyful.
Rain has drawbacks similar to that of snow in urban centers. Too much rain may bring forth flash floods where cities could receive massive amounts of damage and be flushed out. Even light rain damages roofs, statutes, and wooden structures. Surprisingly rain is the top cause of auto accidents because of poor coordination during thunderstorms and flash floods. Heavy rain could also cancel outdoor activities and any other events deemed too dangerous during rainstorms.
Rural areas seem like rainbows and sunshine compared to urban areas during rainy seasons, but they still have their flaws. Rain is great for crops, however, too much of a good thing can quickly become bad. Too much rain and fertilizers in fields are washed away into streams, and they cannot be planted or harvested due to the wet conditions. Crops can also become deprived of oxygen leading to rotten roots and eventually the death of the

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