The Importance Of Transitions In The Classroom

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According to Gartrell (2014) transitions are the “events that occur in the process of moving children from one activity to another in the daily program, which the teacher may or may not have planned” (p. 519). Transitions happen all day throughout the day. Our transition will be done with a clapping pattern. This is a series of claps that the students have to repeat. When the students repeat the pattern I know that the class is listening. When I want the students to clean up I will clap, they will repeat, and then I will tell them to clean up. This works for all types of transitions, whether it is gathering for circle or meeting time, lining up, settling down, changing groups, or just getting the student’s attention.
Classroom Elements The physical classroom environment can affect all aspects in a student’s school life. The educator must build an environment that fosters respectable behavior and has higher level of learning. The classrooms “physical environment can influence students’ sense of self and security, intellectual …show more content…

Skinner’s operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is a learning process through positive and negative reinforcement. This conditioning has a connection made between a behavior and a consequence for that specific behavior. There are positive and negative reinforcements and punishments. Positive reinforcements are encouraging things that are obtainable after the desired behavior (when the student shows good behaviors reward them with a sticker on a chart). During the situation that had a positive reinforcement used, the desired behavior is strengthened. A positive punishment encompasses the execution of an undesirable consequence that will make the unwanted behavior decrease. A negative reinforcement is discouraging a behavior with an unpleasant response. A negative punishment is when something is taken away that is favorable to that student (when the student shows a bad behavior take away 5 minutes of play

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