Media And Negative Body Image

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Today’s Society and media in the 21st century has projected an unrealistic and unattainable standard on the female body and has made women feel pressured into believing they should look like the models. The media have manipulated and overly used the female body image in today’s society therefore body images for women often are exposed, exploited, and manipulated with false advertising. Due to the media platforms, Negative body image of women is a hot and controversial topic. The portrayed female body image implies what a female should or could look like in marketing and advertising is the focused issue. According to the media’s standards, thinness is considered attractive for women and we live in a society where media images of airbrushed …show more content…

Unfortunately, this has led to a powerful influence on how many women and teenagers view their bodies today and this has contributed to social issues such as eating disorders, the high rise of sales for over-priced diet supplements that promises to make women consumers at home look as good as the model. Society has made some women dislike themselves. Over the years, the average female body has grown larger and curvier but the media standards of the female body have remained thinner with less curves. Most models being displayed in the media are below the ideal body weight listed among the National BMI chart, thus meeting the diagnostic criteria for what is called anorexia nervosa disorder. Today’s magazines and advertisements are one of the prominent sources of idealizing these unrealistic images. This is a disturbing trend because many women and teenagers read these magazines, hoping that following the advice given, they will be more acceptable and attractive to many. These magazines and ads are marketed to help women better themselves by providing information and products that are supposed to make them look and feel better about themselves. The marketers will do anything to sell their product and make a profit, and anything can be sold if it appeals to today’s society …show more content…

They know that they must appeal to logic, an appeal to emotion and a to appeal to credibility. Pathos is considered is one of the most powerful tools in advertising because emotions are what guide consumers, and this tactic connect directly with consumers’ emotions. Women put up their emotional defenses and smile bravely in order to disguise their true emotion others, like their sadness or low self-esteem due to their weight, but their defenses are down when their homes alone and when a weight loss advertisement flashes across the television or in a magazine, they are tempted. The marketer relies on drawing them in during their weakest moment because the marketers know that’s when they are most likely to buy their supplements. These marketers know that the women consumers may think their claims are hyped up or lies. The women consumers know that these ads show bodies that are not realistic or representing the general population of healthy women. Nevertheless, the marketers also know that the little voice in the back of the consumers’ mind will keeps asking, “What if this product is legitimate? What if this one that will be the one to finally help me achieve my weight loss goals? “ Unfortunately, during this moment of weakness, the women consumers aren’t reading the small print of the ad, nor are they realizing that this model could have a personal cook and a

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