Argumentative Essay On Coffee

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Usually I get coffee before my English or Sign-Language class. I know that apples give me the same amount of energy or even more, but my guilty pleasure is the caffeine in my venti cup of caramel-iced coffee. So I’ll stand in line and order when I approach the counter to get my black cup of coffee, and add non-fat milk and three sugars. By the time I’m halfway done with my coffee, my eyes are more likely to focus on the board and zoned into my professor. Drinking coffee helps me zone all my attention to one place and is my incentive to go to class sometimes. Other times my leg shakes and I get the jitters. People say this is unhealthy, but is it really? Too much caffeine isn’t healthy for the human body, but caffeine impacts your health positively …show more content…

Although this is true of lot of drinks such as cola, pepsi, mountain dew, tea, monster, red bull, energy shots, and certain fruit flavored drinks contain caffeine a lot as well. Surprisingly, caffeine is in chocolate, ice cream, jello pudding pops, gum, ensure, and Cadbury chocolate bars. Most companies don’t put their caffeine intake, because it’s not required of them. Without noticing or awareness, Americans drink and eat a lot of caffeine which isn’t healthy. Over the course of decades children between the age of two and twelve, have increased their …show more content…

The New York Times article “Health effects of coffee: Where do we stand?” stated drinking 4 or less cups of coffee assist in preventing or lessening the effect of having cardiovascular and cancer, along with diabetes, liver disease, Alzheimer 's and Parkinson’s disease. Also revealing coffee lowers heart failure and heart disease. Liver disease was tested that drinking 2 cups of black coffee decreases chances of liver cancer; drinking up to 4 cups daily lowers your risk of liver cirrhosis by 84 percent. Coffee compounds, specifically chlorogenic acid help protect DNA cells against damage from many sources. A few cups cancel out DNA damage from many causes, allowing an 18 percent decreased chance from several cancers such as prostate, breast, colorectal, and pancreatic bladder. Prostate cancer for men is the second leading cause of death, but was proved that 6 cups of coffee daily gives an 18 percent chance of reducing of prostate cancer. As well as 60 percent of reduction in others fatal or destructive diseases. Breast cancer chances are reduced by 57 percent of women who drinks 5 cups of coffee per day. From Food’s Insight studies says there aren’t relations between coffee or caffeine, and cancer. Drinking coffee is healthier than you think by lessen your chances of several

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