Abuse Power In Thunderheart

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Thunderheart mainly talks about a half-Indian officer investigates a murder case, then through many types of research, he finds out that the murder case relative to a land selling deal. This deal even relates to his co-worker, also an FBI officer. The people in Indian community have a primitive lifestyle, and they are traditional and simple-minded. However, the white community is modern and prosperous. Some white is crafty. In order to get the Indian land, Milton abuse the power, make use of some Indians, have them released earlier to make panic and even to cause several people dead. Abuse power should not be allowed because will cause unstable society. The abuse of power is the act of using one’s position of power in an abusive way, such …show more content…

Nowadays, the society has many inequalities. The rich, even they have so many resources, but they still want more. People may think the rich may be easier to think about what others may need, and they should be more decent and more to care about others. Since they have everything, good cars, nice house, and higher education, they do not need things that are too much. While the poor people have nothing, they have to work hard to survive. But research suggests the opposite is true: as people climb the social ladder, their compassionate feelings towards other people decline. "Berkeley psychologists Paul Piff and Dacher Keltner found that luxury car drivers were also more likely to speed past a pedestrian trying to use a crosswalk, even after making eye contact with the pedestrian". The rich tend to be more selfish than the common people since they do not need anything, they do not rely on others. The only thing they care about is themselves and their benefit, that leads to they do not care about the feeling of others. The need of others has nothing to do with them. The relationship between wealth and compassion is important. Those who hold most of the power in this country …show more content…

When someone abuses his power, that means there occurs inequality. However, as the income inequality becomes more and more serious, and the social equality is at risk. One major reason is the rich abuses their power, take away almost everything, leave only so little to the middle class and the poor, that makes the contradiction. Gregory Mantsios wrote "Class in America-2009", he provided some example from the rich, middle class and poor family to discuss the different life condition of the different class in America. Mr. Mantsios state, "Despite what we like to think about ourselves as a nation, the truth is that opportunity for success and life itself are highly circumscribed by our race, our gender, and the class we are born into"(297). A lot of people may think everyone has an equal chance to succeed in this most developed country. However, the article showed many data and example to tell people since the gap between class is very large, then created injustice everywhere. The biggest social problem is people 's future was determined when they were born. If people are born from a rich family, they will have a wonderful life. They even can abuse the money to get more power, they use their money to help Politician 's campaign. What they want to be returned is the low tax and more condition to help their business, then they can be more successful than before, and that causes

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