Advertising In Mass Media Essay

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Discussions about advertisements and its effects on mass media as well and the audience who consume mass media have long been ingrained into the premises of this course. In the same light, concepts such as discourse, bias, propaganda and intertextuality have been used to measure the differences between commercial broadcasting and private broadcasting with the concept of advertising playing a crucial role in a comparison between the two. However, for the purposes of this paper, such concepts will only be used to analyze advertising in the mass media.

This paper aims to firstly describe the role of advertising in our mass media as understood from a conventional point of view in terms of its basic purpose(s) of the promotion of goods and services …show more content…

John, New Brunswick to Vancouver” (Rowland 187). He also reports that “there were 6.5 million sets in use in the U.S., on for every seventeen persons” (Rowland 189). This shows that while advertising in newspapers caused an increase in sales of, it created a huge audience which it could market to when direct advertising on radio eventually got acceptance.

At this point, it is pertinent to understand that advertising in mass media has developed similarly in Canada and the United States. It is also important to note that this essay does not contest the basic roles of advertising in mass media, rather, it argues on behalf of an added effect on the consumers of this mass media in North America (Canada and the United States). This is as a result of the dominant role which the advertising industry has been allowed to play in the production of radio and television programs for North American …show more content…

He writes, “for the majority of viewers, the chain of signification - from patriotic loyalty to dependability to toughness to independence to manliness to American trucks - is so obvious that they do not see it.” (Nesbitt-Larking 172) Hence, while it is possible to make un-influenced consumer choices and decisions amidst advertising, it is also necessary to understand that, while severely effective, advertisements could be delivered in such subtle means that it often comes off as being

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