The Importance Of Diversity In Social Work

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Imagine you are floating in the galaxy and you see the sun, a bright and powerful light in the center of the system. Revolving around this bright and powerful ball of light are celestial bodies orbiting and interacting with this sun. The closest bodies are the ones that are affected by the sun the most, the farther away the orbiting bodies are the less of an impact they have. Now, this is obviously not really about the actual galaxy, it is a metaphor for people’s personal systems and how they are affected by it or, in other words, a system perspective. In this example, the sun would be the individual and the celestial bodies or planets are the systems affecting the sun. For my personal system, the bodies closest to me that affect me the most …show more content…

According to the NASW Code of Ethics, “Social workers should have a knowledge base of their clients ' cultures and be able to demonstrate competence in the provision of services that are sensitive to clients ' cultures and to differences among people and cultural groups” (***). Basically, what this is stating is that social workers need to understand their client’s culture and be able to serve them in a way that is appropriate to their diversity. A social worker can also learn a lot about diversity through a system perspective framework. In the text, they discuss a social workers mission and say that it is to help enhance opportunities for all people. With a systems perspective framework, you get the opportunity to reach out and learn about many different cultures and communities because you are trying to help your client. And in order to help your client, you must reach out to different systems in their life to try and solve the situation. This creates diversity for the social worker because they are gaining new …show more content…

Since coming to university, my perspective on the world has changed because what I consider school has changed. In high school, my classes did not allow for much free thinking, there are exceptions to that but overall, my classes consisted of memorizing facts, formulas, and timelines. In college, I am taking more classes that allow me to think about the world more freely and gain new perspectives. This class would be an example of that, I am able to consider my perspectives and systems which is a new experience for me. And with this new system my context for understanding the world has shifted. I now spend more time thinking about diversity, genders, societal influences, feminism, racism, sexism, privileges of certain groups of people, and much more. Most of my systems have actually changed since coming to college, actually. My friend group has changed because I am an out-of-state student and came here on my own, some of my friends at school have different beliefs than my friends back home which have caused me to slightly shift my own beliefs. Also, my family system has been affected since I left for school. My grandmother lives about 20 min away from me here and for my whole life she has lived about 6 hours away so we did not see her has often as I do now. This has affected my family life because it has brought me closer to my mom because it is her mother that lives here, and it has formed a new

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