Disruptive Behavior Case Study

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Disruptive behaviors are conditions that can have a great influence in the teaching environment. Disruptive behaviors unswervingly hinder the ability of the teacher or the capability of a learner to benefit from their classroom experiences. Students attend schools with hopes of being productive citizens of society. I like to think of students as future leaders of tomorrow! For the most part, students attend school because it is the law. A learning environment should have actively engaged students, who are eager to participate and show knowledge is being acquired on a daily basis. However, some students are bored and disengaged with academic struggles, due to non-active lessons. Certain life factors such as family problems, financial difficulties are all factors that distract and contribute to students disruptive behaviors. One of the most detrimental settings for a teacher in a class is classroom management. Classroom management is defined as being "the methods and strategies an …show more content…

Teachers who possess no well-thought-out classroom management abilities add to adverse learning results. The lack of classroom management abilities often adds to stigmatizing students who internalized the labels "mean," "bad," or "crazy" and by disobedient, reflected back to the instructor and/or school the negative labels applied on them (Reglin et al., 2012). Disruptive behaviors can take away from students learning and educational experience. Teachers miss out on opportunities to conduct their classrooms in an orderly way. It would be helpful if teachers are equipped to deal with common disruptive behaviors. If teachers could understand possible causes and solutions, this may be able to help them solve behavior problems. By understanding the causes of behaviors, teachers may be able to reduce the likelihood that these particular students will suffer from social isolation after these

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