Discovering the Secrets of Soda

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Have you ever wondered what ingredients are are really inside soda and what effect it does to your body? Could there be ways companies make soda healthier but taste the same? The main ingredients soda have in them are sugar, caffeine and different acids that create the fizzy taste. Caffeine is added in soda as a stimulant. Stimulants increase activity happening in your brain. Stimulations have elevate your mood and your awareness. Caffeine has several good effects like increasing energy or mental awareness. If you have too much caffeine in your body some of the symptoms that could occur are anxiety and insomnia. The three main acids added into soda are malic acid,phosphoric acid and citric acid. Malic acid is used for fruit flavoring. Sodas contain malic acid because it brings more flavoring into the drink and it makes the flavor more natural and richer. Malic acid also blends flavoring in Sodas and it smooths it out. The acid has a clean smooth sourness and it has blending abilities. Phosphoric acid is added to soda to make the tangy flavor. Phosphoric acid can also get rid of rust from nails, just image what it could do to your body. Phosphoric acid also erodes enamel and makes teeth decay easier because of the high acidic level it has. When Phosphoric acid damages enamel it is hard to be able to fill the tooth because of the damage and it will be permanently damaged. Citric acid is used to make that acidic sour taste in soda. Citric acid is also used for flavor enhancement. Citric acid and Phosphoric acid are the main acids that decay teeth. When the sugar inside soda is combined with bacteria it starts to create a acid that damages the enamel. The ingredients in soda makes many customers who drink soda addicted to the tangy and fizzy flavor making them drink tons of soda. Think about the things that soda acid can do to your body and does anything good come out of drinking such a high sugared and acidic drink. Soda can also affect bones and body growth. One way that can damage your bones is replacing drinks that include calcium like milk and switching it with soda. If you drink soda instead of milk when you grow up your bones will not be that strong and you won't have time to catch up on calcium when you grow older.

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