Differences Between Men and Women

1921 Words4 Pages

Two worlds—his and hers.

Men and women have always had their differences, but do those make their lives easier compared ? Both sexes have certain aspects to overcome the opposite sex, yet neither is better than the other. A woman comes into the world and is expected to act certain ways, to follow certain rules, and to be as feminine as she can just be, otherwise man comes into the world and is expected to be strong and being able to do everything only because he is a man. The idea of getting together and planning to become a family should equal both men and women, family is something that both should speak and express their oppinions. Though often times happen when man and woman meet each other, and they feel some kind of feeling that they are born for each other, something that we often called our second half. However after some years of marriage one of the partners feel that he or she isn't loved enough as he/she used to be, and many kinds of contradiction come along. The reason why partners don't get along and understand each other the way they used to is various.The fact that men and women are different is well known. Some of these defferences are constant and some are not, some have changed in the past and some are about to change in the future. Women are very emotional and communicating creatures, though men are more realistic and problem solvers,that's the reason why they have different conceptions of family life and relationship.

Men and women communicate completely differently almost speaking two languages.Men and women have two different conversational cultures. Men speak in order to set the tone and expect support and attention from their partner while women talk to please others...

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...the opposite sex communicates

They should also become knowledgeable in the opposite sex language and communication habits. However, even though our communication styles are so different, men and women can learn to adapt these communication styles to work together in harmony. Although we can say and know what to do to compromize and find the way out of misunderstanding each other, anyway man is man, woman is woman and when it comes to solve you own problem with your partner, you don't rememeber all you have studied to improve your relationship with your beloved. the fact that women are emotional will always be like that,i believe it's because we were created that way. Anyway, for instance, i feel some kind of powerand i'm sure many women do too, when men still ask themselves the same stupid question," What do women really want?", a question that bothers men a lot.

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