Global Experience Reflection

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At the beginning of Global Experience class, my semester goal was to listen and learn about new perspectives so I could broaden my knowledge. I assumed “broadening my knowledge” included exploring current, global issues. Simply put, I entered the class with a resistant attitude to actually change my way of thinking; I subconsciously thought I could conserve my current perspective while adding on new layers. Over the past month and a half, many articles and people battled my close-minded view. I expected Amy Levine’s Agree to Disagree presentation to illustrate differences in Jews’ and Christians’ interpretations with specific Old Testament verses, but she validated both religions’ interpretations because, “they are following their own set …show more content…

I was taught to defend my beliefs in all situations. In the trolley dilemma we discussed in class, I continually used my opinion that each life is worth the same value to support my decision to sacrifice the single person in both cases. This opinion is rooted in my “good” religious morals, yet I used it to defend a decision others concluded not to be morally permissible. David highlighted the difference between pushing a person and pulling the lever; the person being pushed was not in possible danger beforehand. When I reflected on it after, I realized I no longer wanted to support my previous choice because the person who was not in danger should not be sacrificed for the people who chose to risk their lives. If I was the bystander person, I would not want someone to push me, so it is unfair for me to be willing to push someone else. I was so worried about contradicting a lifelong belief that I resultantly ignored the complexities of and differences among the individual cases we were discussing. With the help of my classmates and the straightforward hypothetical situation, I uncovered my reasoning flaws and eventually changed my opinion because I concluded exceptions could be made in some …show more content…

The culture, the story we are enacting, is enveloping me constantly; I never realized how much the culture affects my behavior and actions. This new awareness has led me to question, “Why do I put on makeup?”, “Why do girls want to date taller boys?” and many other societal norms. The pressures of the story enacted around me are so ingrained and interwoven that the bars on my cage are blurry. How often am I really making my own decisions? If I do not understand the captivity of the culture, I will continued to be trapped by

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