What Is The Difference Between The Tanakh And The Bible

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For years people have had a hard time distinguishing the difference between Christians and Jews. Even when reading about these two religions, they are very similar. There are two main differences that stand out the most amongst these religions. One of them is that Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah while Jews believe He was a prophet. The other difference is their opinions on sacred texts. Jewish people and Christians both have sacred text; however, Christians believe that the Bible is meant to be read as a whole.
Christians have the Holy Bible and Jews have what is known as the Tanakh. In relation to the Christian Bible, the Tanakh is only the Old Testament, while the Holy Bible is both the Old Testament and the New Testament. This means that stories like Creation, Original Sin, and Ten Commandments are the same for both religions. While the Tanakh is the Jews’ form of Jewish scripture, the Torah is what they believe to be the most sacred (Fisher, pg. 248). The Torah consists of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy (Fisher, pg. 278). This is why the sacred text amongst these religions are alike, yet so different. The Old Testament are written accounts of what occurred before Christ. Between the Old and New Testament there was a 400 year gap that is …show more content…

The authors of the Bible were inspired by God and determined by God (Holman, pg. 18). When adding to, or taking away from, the Bible the written pieces had to go before the church. If it was approved it would be added to the makeup of the Bible. Matter of fact, the Apocryphal Books are the composition of the Lost Books of the Bible that were not approved to be a part of the Bible (Bruce, pg. 163). This goes to show that not just ordinary people wrote the Bible, God’s chosen people did. This is how the Bible was so intricately made in its divine

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