The Characteristics And Differences Between Food And Nutrition

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Food and Health
The introduction to this topic establishes the difference between Food and Nutrition.
Food is the action of incorporating food into our body, then digest them. This action is voluntary and we can modify it; it depends only on external factors, such as economic and social factors.
Nutrition is a process through which the organism receives food, and transforms and uses the chemicals to reproduce, maintain and growth. It is an involuntary action where the digestion, absorption, and carry out of these nutrients to the tissues take part.
That is, the food we eat, bring nutrients, and the body takes care of them, which are indispensable to carry out all the processes that allow us to be alive.
The number of nutrients found in all …show more content…

Water: which is responsible for dissolving substances, participate in chemical reactions and is also a way to eliminate waste.
All these nutrients are divided into six main groups; And then we 'll talk a little more about them.
Characteristics of carbohydrates. They are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Its function is to provide energy to the body. Some are also used to form and disintegrate molecules of fats and proteins.
It has a clean combustion, when occupying this energy, it does not release so much toxic waste.
The carbohydrates are transformed into glucose, absorbed by the intestine and then transferred to the liver; Where they are converted into glycogen. Which is an immediate energy reserve that is taken care of when the person is not ingesting food.
The carbohydrates are divided into three main groups;
* Starches: which are found in foods such as potatoes, legumes, cereals, etc. And they are used as an energy reserve.
They belong to the group of polysaccharides; therefore, they need to be degraded in order to digest them; For this an enzyme called amylase decomposes

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