Dickens' Depiction Of Pip and Magwitch

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Dickens makes the reader feel sorry for pip describing his as ‘a small bundle of shivers starting to cry’. This makes us feel sorry for Pip, because he is shown as ‘small’ meaning helpless and also he is crying and cold which shows he is obviously upset and alone. Dickens makes us feel sympathetic towards Pip, because the fact that he has to make assumptions of what his parents were like from reading their gravestones shows he is an orphan and did not even get to know his parents ‘As I never saw my father or my mother, and never saw any likeness of either of them my first fancies regarding what they were like, were unreasonably derived from their tombstones’. This also shows Pip as a child, because he makes an immature conclusion of his parents, by the font on their gravestones. Pip mentions all the names of his siblings which helps us to get more emotionally attached and to empathise more with him.

In the 19th Century it wasn’t unusual to have had a child die at birth, so if Dickens wanted to keep the audience interested he had to make it more drastic. So Dickens shows Pip standing with the graves of all of his brothers as well. This shows Pip as very alone and helpless.

Magwitch’s language is presented in a less intellectual way than to Pips. Dickens has written Magwitch’s speech in non-standard English, this helps us to feel what the character is like. Where as Pips language is very short and stuttered which also helps the reader to relate to the characters more.

Dickens stories were intended to be read aloud to big audiences, and he went on reading tours and performed at public performances. Dickens used non-standard English in his writing to give the characters more of a personality. Dickens style of writing is diff...

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...ise and acts kindly to Magwitch. This makes the reader realise that Pip has become one of the stuck up higher classes; who only care for the wellbeing of themselves and others that are richer than them.

From analysing this book I have learnt many things about what happened in the 19th century. I have found out that in those days it was a lot harder to break free from your class. If you were born rich you died rich, if you were born poor you would die poor. In the 19th century, if you were born poor it was very hard to make something of yourself, this was because it was difficult to get schooling and ultimately you would end up taking on the family trade. For Pip to be taken on with such wealth in comparison today would be like winning the lottery! So for Pip getting the chance to take on the massive sum of wealth is really the best thing that could have happened.

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