Descriptive Essay On Sanctuary

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Sanctuary Humans lead fast-paced and busy lives. It is for this reason we need time and a place to unwind and relax. Often, I take a walk and enjoy nature, but can 't always do this. My nature walks are limited by the time of the day, weather, and sometimes the time of year. It is for these reasons that my permanent sanctuary was my old bedroom back home. When I was younger, I had to share my room with my little sister. That only made it that much more special when it became solely mine. The room is of a fairly large size; it bigger than most kids bedroom. It may have once been two rooms and been remodeled. To enter, one has to walk though a wooden door with a dark finish, a rusting gold doorknob, and a faded Precious Moments decal located in the south east corner of the room. If the light were off, it would have been pitch black. Even if the lights were on, the room was pretty dim. To turn the lights on, I would have to walk across the room to the opposite wall. In my …show more content…

My chest held all of my are and craft supplies. Each drawer held specific art tools. The top drawer had miscellaneous items that didn 't quite go with the other drawers such as my soldering iron. Other drawers held paint and cosplay supplies as well as sewing equipment. The surface of my desk was covered in the paint of past projects, school papers (In theory, I was to do my homework here, but that 's hard to do when a fluff ball that is in a league with Satan himself has taken over the only chair. The closest I got to doing my homework here was storing office supplies in the bottom drawer), and sewing supplies. On the rare occasion Grimm allowed me to have my chair, I would repair the family 's torn clothing-- my little brother 's and father 's most often. When I wasn 't fixing clothing, I was making it. Cosplay is a hobby of mine and it was here at my desk that my costumes went from ideas and thoughts to

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