Describing a Research on Emerging Leaders for Social Justice

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The purpose of this article is to discuss the qualitative research of the authors, who looked at the experiences of graduate students from an educational leadership program as they implemented their action research. (Jacobs, Yamamura, Guerra, & Nelson, 2013, p. 91). The graduates focus on becoming a leader for social justice in their individual schools. The research explores the issues and successes of implementation through critical race theory lens. CRT can be applied “to explore dimensions of race, power, and privilege” (Jacobs et al., 2013, p. 91). Stated by Delgado and Stefancic, (2001); Ladson-Billings, (1999) “A critical race perspective entails recognition that racism is a normal and common aspect that shapes society. Race is deeply embedded in social, cultural, and political structures, thus making it difficult to recognize and address” (as cited in Patton, McEwen, Rendon, & Howard-Hamilton, 2007, p. 43).
The audience to whom this paper has been written could be to two or more different groups with the same interest in becoming or creating leaders for social justice (LSJ), who want to make changes on their campus in the areas of equity and diversity of students (Jacobs et al., 2013). One group are those interested creating a successful action research project for students in an educational leadership program. A second group are those that could gain knowledge from this research such as principals and administrators who are responsible for the approval and support of the implementation of action research. The principals and administrator “often did not actively or explicitly resist their social justice work; however, by not actively supporting their work the emerging leaders faced many roadblocks” (Jacobs et al...

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...e to enroll a more diverse population of students, social justice issues will change and leader will need to be prepared to reflect and understand many different points of view in order to be effective in their roles.

Jacobs, J., Yamamura, E., Guerra, P. L., & Nelson, S. W. (2013, January). Emerging leaders for social justice: Negotiating the journey through action research. Journal of School Leadership, 91-121. Retrieved from
Patton, L. D., McEwen, M., Rendon, L., & Howard-Hamilton, M. F. (2007). Critical race perspectives on theory in student affairs. New Direction for Student Services, 39-53. DOI: 10.1002/ss
Suter, N. W. (2012). Introduction to Educational Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

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