Descriptive Essay On Deer Camp

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Imagine the biggest deer of our life walking in front of us. The thing is so big that at first glance you didn’t even think it was a deer. That is what the Zellmer deer camp is all about. The deer camp was started seven and a half decades ago by my grandfather’s grandfather.
The Zellmer deer camp consists of nine Zellmer’s and one family friend. It consists of myself and my three brothers, my dad, my uncle, and my three cousins along with my cousin’s friend. We have carried this tradition on since 1940 when my grandfather’s grandfather started it. So in other words this tradition has been going on for five generations.
The hunting weekend begins early morning at about four forty – five on the third Friday of November. A few of us get up to take sent free showers. These are just normal showers that use sent free soap. It is supposed to be a secret …show more content…

He lives about ten minutes north east of the Wisconsin dells on 500 wooded acres. We always stop somewhere on the way up to eat together. It is usually culvers but it has been something different in the past twelve years I have been hunting. After we arrive at “Deer Camp” as we call it, we head right to bed because four forty – five come pretty quick. So once again we wake up early and get in our scent free showers and our cups of coffee. We put on our hunting cloths grab our cosmic brownies and mountain dew, our snacks, and head out to our stands. We sit, also known as waiting for the deer, until eleven then we head in. we all gather at my uncle’s house who lives right next to my grandfather. When we get there we all get a bowl of my dad’s famous chili. He has made chili every hunting season for as long as I can remember. Just as they day before after we fill our bellies we all take a quick nap. Especially when the wind is blowing pretty good it really tires one out. This is why we all take our quick little naps. After our naps we go back out and sit until

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