America: A Christian Nation

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When John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson nearly 4 decades after the declaration of independence, he wrote “The general principles, on which the Fathers achieved independence, were the only Principles in which that beautiful Assembly of young gentlemen could unite.... And what were these general Principles? I answer, the general Principles of Christianity, in which all these Sects were united…” (America is a Christian Nation). The founders created the country based on these beliefs and now are being mocked and destroyed by the current state of the Country.
First off, our nation was found by Christians that embedded their beliefs into their work in founding this Christian nation. The founders added a system of checks and balances from the understanding “…if men were angels, no government would be necessary” (America is a Christian Nation). A majority of the founders were in fact, Christian. Over 80% of the founders held a belief in a denomination, or section under, the Christian Church. There are constitutional religious references such as “In God We Trust” and “…one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” and are considered constitutional because they were accepted by our founding fathers and written into the constitution. These are not even required to be respected but they come across as constitutional.

In addition, during the past few years, the Government of the United States has clearly infringed upon the rights of the American people. The current president had stated that he would not alter the hiring rights given to businesses. Several weeks after this statement by the president, businesses were forced to give contraception, or birth control, to employees. This change in hiring rights was a clea...

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...uples that completely violate their beliefs as stated in Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:26-28, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, condemning the act of homosexuality, and is stated more than 25 other times. Many churches have already been sued and if this continues, what can we expect next? Will churches be forced to marry incest couples, or will the American government take these violations even farther and start changing laws such as gun control even further to forbid people from any arms at all?

Clearly, the government has been discriminating against one group or another and may now force churches to marry gay couples. Will they take it further with other groups such as the NRA, or even deeper into the church? They could continue to revoke funding for Religious organizations or will gay become the new straight? The future is for those who take it. Who will be the one to take it?

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