World War Z Movie Analysis

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“Get back in your car!!!” The policeman was yelling at Gerry to tell him that something was not right and he would be safer in his car. As soon as the policeman said “Remain with your family…” he was mauled over by a huge 18-wheeler that was driving out of control down the middle of the street. Gerry floored the gas pedal as he speeded for safety, but was instantly halted as an ambulance ran slap into the driver side of the car. As Gerry and his wife, Karin, awoke from the crash, his ears were ringing and all he could hear in the distance was screaming and screeching sirens. He could see people running from something although he did not know of what the threat was, he just knew that he needed to get his family to safety. It was then Gerry knew that he was in for the worst horror nightmare of his life. He has to get his family to safety from a threat that he has never encountered in his life, and may not make it in time. The keyword is “ZOMBIE”. …show more content…

Horror films are full excitement, drama, and suspenseful things that most people love to see. World War Z is the story of a man name Gerry Lane, a retired U.N. investigator, who races to safety for him and his family. What is he running from? A lethal virus that are turning people into virus spreading corpuses. Other movies that fit the horror genre are movies such as Halloween, The Exorcist and The Conjuring. This movie could arguably be considered a great example of a horror movie, because it has great aspects that a horror movie should have. I also think that this movie is a great example of a horror movie. Although World War Z is missing one of the main characteristics of a horror movie which is blood and guts, it is still a great example of a typical horror movie because it is fast paced and full of

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