The Pros And Cons Of Crime Entertainment

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Over the years, I have seen numerous crime shows and movies, both fiction and nonfiction. While many people find the fiction crime entertainment more enjoyable, I much prefer the real story. The fiction side of the crime entertainment available today is widely popular. New shows and movies are continually being produced to fuel this interest the public appears to have developed semi-recently. Psychologically, it makes sense why so many people are interested in this type of entertainment. All people are aware murder does happen and there is always a chance they could be a victim at some point in their lives. However, the odds are stacked against this happening to most of us. Being equipped with this knowledge allows out psychological fear and stress response to be a little bit stronger when viewing this type of entertainment. In addition to this, the fiction crime entertainment often overly exaggerates certain aspects of the crime and criminal to further manipulate the story beyond what could really happen. This allows the right level of stress and fear hormones to activate in our bodies, similar to those that activate when we ride a roller coaster at an amusement park. This type of stress and fear and actually help us relax and feel more positively. Understandable, many people psychologically enjoy this reaction and therefore, they enjoy these types of movies and television shows. While I can understand the entertainment factor in many of these movies and shows, I cannot help but analyze the story as if it was a real case. Sadly, …show more content…

There are many shows and movies today that are based on true stories for those who do not enjoy the completely fiction crime entertainment. Whether it is a real crime story and one that has been fabricated, these stories clearly have a grasp on many individuals across the

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