3-D Diorama Of the Novel Night by Eli Wiesel

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This 3-D diorama illustrates a significant scene in the novel Night. This story originated during the First World War in Sighet, Hungary. The Nazis were in power and they wanted to exterminate the Jewish population; this was referred to as the Holocaust. The religious town of Sighet has not been raided yet, so they’re expecting for the best. The main characters are Elizer and his father. Sadly, the Nazis reach Sighet and gather the Jews. They could only bring what they could carry, so homes and other valuables were left alone. In this scene, the Jewish population of the small town are being deported to Auschwitz. Auschwitz was the first concentration camp they were sent to, so this was going to have a huge impact on their lives. In the small cattle car, there is Elizer, his father, Madame Schächter and the other Jews. They have reached the Auschwitz station, but the Birkenau concentration camp is where the real danger lies. In the Auschwitz station, the saying “ARBEIT MACHT FREI” translated to “work will set you free.” This meant that they would be used for labour till they died. They were burned and brutally tortured in Birkenau. Only several people amongst the group moved on, but the rest was history. The tragedy of the Holocaust is not any fairy tale; therefore, this book is filled with discomfort, illness and death.
There is a lot of information being portrayed through this small Diorama. On the left side of the stage, there is the beautiful and exquisite town of Sighet. The garden is blooming and the sun is shining. The clouds and stars are hovering through the sky. The community and environment is pristine. The plants and trees are healthy and vibrant green. This small town was extremely devotional toward Judaism and the pr...

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... chance of survival. I have dispersed dead leaves over the battlefield, so it symbolizes withering and coming to an end. The plants are dead and this usually occurs during the cold winter months. This also explains why people would have gotten ill and died. The soldiers represented the Nazis power at the time. The interior is covered with red paint around the camp. The red paint represents blood and it is smeared in random places, so this means that death was everywhere and consistent. A huge significant symbol is the sunflower between the two worlds. Half the flower is a bright yellow and the other side is pure black with traces of blood. This flower juxtaposes the two scenes. The left side seems to be more elegant and peaceful. On the other side, the concentration camp looks more dangerous and deadly. These are the presentation technique that I have incorporated.

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