Dreams And Psychology: The Process Of Dreams

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The Process of Dreams Some desire, while others remember. History, sleep cycle, and nightmares all come together to make the mystical vision called dreams. Did you ever wonder why we dream? Why do we always have that one same dream? A lot of people questioned how dreams relate to their conscious life. Dream interpretation dates back to over one hundred years ago. Some try to remember their dreams, while others may experience de ja vu. A few reasons why people do not recall their dreams, is due to lack of sleep or not getting enough nutrients. In order to get to that point, one must become acquainted with the 4 stages of sleep cycle ending with the REM cycle, which is when you undergo the actual dream process. Dreams can be quite scary at times, leaving you in a panic, shock, and refusing to go back to sleep. Dreams are important to Psychology because it identify psychological functions. Although everyone has dreams, …show more content…

He believed that having dreams were a disruptive way to lead into your conscious state of mind. In 1900 Freud wrote a book, where he explained his theories and unconsciousness that lead to dream interpretations. Naming his first book Interpretations of Dreams, Freud altered the book at least eight times. Some people thought of Dr. Freud to be quite anal in his theories. Freud self-confessed that the unconscious mind was formed focusing on three anatomy structures- the ego, the super ego, and the i.d. The ego stored memories and thoughts, the super ego balanced the i.d’s behavior, and the i.d. mainly focused on sexually thoughts. According to Freud, “Insight such as this falls to one 's lot but once in a lifetime” (Freud, 1900). Which is an easier way to interpret that is, this kind of understanding only comes once in a lifetime. As Freud got deeper into his studies, he established a relationship with a younger peer by the name of Carl

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