Criminal Investigative Analysis And Forensic Psycholinguistics

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Criminal Investigative Analysis is an investigative tool used by law enforcement officials to help determine the unknown offender of a specific crime, usually involving violent crimes. The purpose of Criminal Investigative Analysis is to create a profile containing characteristics of the offender who committed a certain crime. Law enforcement then uses this profile to help determine a possible suspect that fits into that profile. The Criminal Investigative Analysis has been crucial in solving some very large cases, where law enforcement had no leads and used this tool to come up with a possible suspect. The media has influenced the view that the public has between what the media portrays how law enforcement conducts an investigation …show more content…

Psycholinguistics is information collected from someone’s speech. It is a relatively small part in providing information to a profile because most of the time law enforcement does not have a recording of offender. However, when there is a recording, psycholinguistics can be very helpful and provide a large amount of information. Some of the information that can be collected through psycholinguistics is the geographic origin, age, ethnicity or race, sex, occupation, education level, and religious orientation (Smith, 16).
Misconceptions of Criminal Profiling
A large misconception of criminal investigative analysis is that there is a difference between profiling and criminal investigative analysis. Criminal Investigative Analysis is the same tool as criminal profiling and there is no true difference. A survey was done by Torres and the survey consisted of a couple of questions about profiling and about criminal investigative analysis asked to mental health professionals with profiling knowledge. The following table contains the results from the

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