Creative Writing: Rejection

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Shawn's P.O.V. "Then, you proceeded to knock me out, and then drag me to some hideout. I still remember that story you told me. Was it true?" Becca asks accusingly. I shake my head no. This conversation is killing me inside, and she doesn't even know why I did all of this stuff. my father would have killed me if I didn't! "That's what I thought. I had, no, have a bad feeling about you." She stands up and looks down at me shamefully. "You have to go." No! I will not leave this place! My father could kill me, not to mention Drew has become one of my best friends. "You are screwed," Becca's friend, Garza says, before walking away laughing. I scoff. She always laughs at serious situations. Rogues! Geez! Oh wait...never mind. "She's right, you know. My little cousin is an expert at holding grudges. I'm surprised that's not her angel gift," Tyler says, before walking after Garza. Drew nods his head in agreement. "Dude, how do I fix this?" I ask him. He laughs quietly. "Honestly, I don't think you can. Unless you tell her about your father, you're going to be forced to leave. I mean, she has excellent persuasion skills," he replies, much to my dismay. This day was turning out great. "I'm gonna go talk to her...explain things a bit," I say, and start towards Becca. "I'll start digging your grave. Rest in peace man!" Drew shouts. I roll my eyes. Ever since I've met him, he's been an overdramatic oaf. I near Becca and sit a reasonable distance away from her while she gazes as her cat intently. What the heck are they doing? She must have noticed my puzzled expression because she laughed. "We're mind-linking you idiot," she says, and laughs some more. "So, can I explain, or are you still mad?" I ask, moving closer so she can hear me. She sighs loudly and lays flat on the ground. I can tell she's been through a lot. There are huge bags under her eyes from...loss of sleep? I've seen her asleep though, so what was going on? "I honesty don't know. Yes, I am still mad at you, I mean you practically handed me over to death. If you'd have known-" I cut her off. "Which I didn't. That's the thing Becca, I didn't know anything." She looks over to me, astonished at my statement. I nod. I proceed to explain about my father's mate's death, and him going rogue.

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