Creationist and Intelligent Design

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For a long time the human races have been leaving in a capsule in which it has been tough that we evolved from monkeys, but with all the technological advance and all the biology breakthrough, great scientists that use to support the theory of evolution and the science field in general have been force to confront an issue that the though they have resolved, the question of the origin of life. Due to the great amount of information like the irreducible complexity system, scientists had to go out looking for an answer to the crucial question of life, and many scientists have come to the same conclusion and result, the theory of evolution do not answer all the question, but what does it? The theory that can answer one of the most important questions in science is calling Intelligent Design. Although many people and scientists do not accept it as the correct answer, when scientists measured the evidence and actual facts of both of the theory is clear to the naked eye that the Intelligent Design provide more data and is more congruent with what science know in the present. Furthermore, Intelligent Design is the correct answer to the question of the origin of life.

What is Intelligent Design? This new famous theory “is the academic assertion that the order of living things comes from an intelligent source and cannot be explained by chance and natural processes alone.”(Waltzer). In others words, intelligent design is the theory that says that everything has been design instead of just come to existence by chance. Intelligent design can explain things like new information and complex systems of life. These complex systems of life are calling irreducibly complex system (ICS) and they are “composed of several interacting parts, where the r...

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...common question that is use to prove the importance of having a creator is how would you convince a killer that gets into your house not to kill you without using anything related to God or The Bible? If the person says that because of their family, the killer says that he does not care. If the person says that because he is go to prison the killer says that he does not care. The point is that there is not real reasoning way to convince the killer to not to kill the person without using the fact f the creator. This simple question can open the eyes and make people see, that the looking for a creator is not just for the sake of answering a question, but it is also to give a motive bigger than ourselves to our life. Although many people do not want to accept it, it is true humans have a creator and that is what science just prove with the intelligent design theory.

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