Prometheus And Humanity

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The creation of man was only through the will of the gods. As a result of the war between the Titans and Zeus, Hesiod, a prominent writer of the seventh century, catalogues the origins of divine beings and mankind through a history of the events in his poem Theogony. There was some special connection between Prometheus and humanity; it was Prometheus who created man, in the hope of having allies against Zeus. Men are punished for the trickery of Prometheus, not for their own transgressions, as was Adam in the Hebrew Bible. God made Eve as a helper and companion for Adam, but Zeus sends woman to increase man’s suffering. The best women can offer their husbands only a mixture of good and evil, and the worst can bring only sorrow. The story brings …show more content…

The beauty of Pandora and her deceptive motives, as ordered by Zeus, released the evils, diseases, and suffering to all men when she was presented to Prometheus’s son. Unlike the Old Testament, in which God makes woman as a gift for man rather than a curse, and punishes Adam and Eve after they have disobeyed his explicit orders not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, in Hesiod’s world human beings are innocent victims of a quarrel between the gods. Without the intervention of Zeus and the wars and affairs of the gods, mortals would have remained pure, as Adam and Eve would have remained in the Garden of …show more content…

It is the underlying theme in works of Greek literature. Mortals became tools of the gods when convenient. The affairs of men were not always at the will of the gods however, in certain instances, the agenda of the gods permitted involvement in the human domain. By mating with mortals, the Olympian gods could produce children who be loyal to themselves and would be stronger and better than ordinary mortals. Hemitheoi, or demi-gods, were the fourth generation of humankind; the heroes of myth, the ones who fought at Troy or killed immortal beasts in order to save another (Zaidman 25). Homer’s epic the Iliad describes the last two weeks of the ten-year battle between the Trojans and the Greeks that has become known historically as the Trojan War. While the poem primarily focuses on the conflict between Achilles and Agamemnon, the use of several Greek gods displaced the purity of the war involvements change the pace of the battle. The story of the Trojan War begins with the story of the apple of discord, the Golden Apple. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite each believed that they deserved this apple, by virtue of being the most beautiful. Since the goddess could not decide among themselves and Zeus was not willing to suffer the wrath of the females in his family, the goddess appealed to Paris, Prince of Troy. When asked to judge

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