Courseware Design Educational Scenaria: Computer Class for Networking

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Courseware Design Educational Scenario The scenario is being developed for a computer class that is Networking. The means of learning will be a Courseware or a CBT (Computer Based Training). The reason for using this as a means of teaching is that it increases efficiency. Through the Courseware, the student can understand everything more properly. In a course like Networking everything that goes on in a network needs to be practically shown to the student in order for him to understand it. Hence through the Courseware, the students can view the simulations and understand everything as it is done in the practical way. Viewing simulations through a self paced Courseware is the perfect choice, because students can see situations that they might experience, try out various solutions, and observe the effects of their decisions. Using simulations is not an end in itself, but an integral component in courses including lectures, readings, and discussions. What is Courseware? Courseware is the content and technique applied to instructional materials in electronic format. Courseware is employ...

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