The Pros And Cons Of Juvenile Detention Centers

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One in three teen delinquents are sexually assaulted by staff members during their time in juvie. Even in the place that is supposed to oppose crime takes part in it. Juvenile Detention Centers are supposed to help minors get on the right track for the rest of their life ahead of them. In 2003 The Prison Rape Elimination Act [PREA] was passed to help prevent and protect against prison rape. Though that was passed it still goes on and the superiors of the inmates are still getting away with it.
Guards and superiors take advantage of the fact of being in charge. They torture the inmates, being held not helped. The problem is most teens in Juvenile Detention Centers are not in there for a long period of time. Instead of helping them become better people staff members abuse their authority and abuse the inmates. They should be wanting to stop them from doing illegal things but they are hypocrites and are illegally abusing the inmates. Superiors get away with it too. Detention centers have a higher suicide rate than any other government ran facility. Most teens who have been sexually assaulted result in later being sent back to prison. …show more content…

Inmates are usually in for drugs, violating probation or truancy. As surprising as this sounds most of the reported abuse is performed by woman. In 2013 PREA became required in all states which eliminates opposite gender guards being in charge of watching over when they change and shower. Although shown majority is reported by women there is still a large amount of same sex abuse cases in detention centers." (Prison Rape Elimination Act | PREA." N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2016.) Also reported that 65% of those who had previously been sexually assaulted at another correctional facility were also assaulted at their current one. (Beck, Allen J., Paige M. Harrison, and Paul Guenrino. Bureau of Justice Statistics. N.p.: n.p., Jan. 2010.

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