Significance To The Convention On The Rights Of The Child?

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1. What is the significance of the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

According to this report, “The Convention on the Rights of the Child represents a remarkable milestone in building a more just world. It articulates the entire complement of rights, regarding children, social, civil, and etc. Also, it recognizes children as holders of their rights. The importance of the Convention became the most rapidly and widely ratified human rights treaty in history.” It’s stated in this report that children should receive the same respect and treatment, as anyone else, because it is their entitled right. Also, this report discussed the convention and how it has a vision of the world, where children can have a healthy start in life, their educated, …show more content…

The percentage of women, who did seek antenatal care during pregnancy in 1990 went from 37 percent to 52 % in 2012.”

Figure two showed how antenatal care coverage got better in every region. This graph showed how, “57 per cent of deliveries were done by skilled health personnel, compared to 69 per cent in 2012. South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa have the lowest rates of deliveries attended by health professionals. The rates were 49% and 50 % in 2012.” Figure three showed, “Percentage of infants aged 0-5 months, who were breastfed from 2000-2012. This figure suggests there is a strong correlation between breastfeeding and good health. Breastfeeding is one of the strongest defenses against disease. Consequently, only a few are ever breastfed. The progress of breastfeeding in West and Central Africa is low.” Figure four showed how mortality rates declined in all regions. Figure five showed how, “Measles immunization coverage improved in 1990, but is still lagging in some regions. Deaths from measles were reduced by 80 percent between the years of 2000-2013. The Measles vaccine coverage improved from 73% in 1990 to 84% in …show more content…

Also, it discussed “the amount of people in developing regions, who live in extreme poverty, and how it has been cut in half from 47% to 18% in 2010. However, many challenges remain in the effort to accelerate this progress, and ensure the rights of the children from the poorest backgrounds are fulfilled.” Moreover, “It is important to measure and address child poverty, because the impact on children are devastating.” Poverty can have many effects on the child. For example, the child can suffer from physical problems, mental problems, and etc. Thus, this report discussed child mortality rates, and how it’s higher in low-income households versus wealthy households. Children born today have a better chance at surviving compared to children, who were born before 1989. However, much of this is giving credit to the convention, and all of the emphasis that it places on children. It was stated, “The government need to recognize that a society in which all children’s rights are fulfilled, will be a healthier, and happier one for everybody.” The government need to step up and provide more resources, so children and families can live a productive

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