Compare And Contrast Introversion And Extroversion

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Psychologists have shown that there exist two major social behaviors that are widely associated with a person as they mature into young adulthood: extraversion or introversion. Carl Yung, a swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, coined the term “introversion” versus “extroversion”. His idea was further elaborated upon by Hens Eysenck, a British psychologist, who defined extroverts and introverts by their baseline arousal. As Jerome Kagan, Professor of psychology at Harvard says, ““Introverts” and “extroverts” are not definitive diagnoses like blood types”, a person displays more or less of one of these two traits; extroverts generally has a more advantage over introverts but each of these personality traits has its own strengths and building on these strengths is what one ought …show more content…

The main difference between introverts and extroverts is where they draw their energy from. Extroverts are generally considered as an expressive individual who seem to be energized by outgoing and social activities whereas introverts prefer the solitary pursuits -often embroiled in their own imagination- and may sometimes find the company of others draining. Introvert tend to recharge by reflection over ideas or by enjoying the solitude; they lose energy when they are near the crowd or large group of people. In the book Quite: The power of introverts in the world that can’t stop talking, Susan Cain claims that “Prefrontal cortex in introverts is more activated compared to extroverts.” As prefrontal cortex of the brain is associated with deeper thoughts and planning, it suggests that extroverts may be more impetuous than introverts who mull things over instead of directly kicking off into action. But because of this tendency to think things over in introverts, they are also more vulnerable to such mental problems as anxiety and

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