Theme Of Time In Waiting For Godot

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Time can feel as an illusion, something untouchable. Time can also fly by when attention is not being paid. On the contrary, waiting in life can make time feel as if it is slowly stopping. So do not waste time waiting, but act instead. Time is one of the most precious things in life and every second counts. No one can control the time, but time can control people. In the play Waiting for Godot time was misused, but accidentally. Vladimir and Estragon are the two main characters involved in this time usage. In the beginning, it seems they had a small routine repeating over and over again. Vladimir says “He said Saturday” (1.135) referring to when Godot would come. Surprisingly, no one in this play knows what day it is. Instead, they guess by looking at the landscape, which seems to never change. Also, the only way to keep track of time during the day is to see the sun’s movements. It feels as if they went back to prehistoric ages. Furthermore, Vladimir and Estragon seem to have been together for many years now. They argue as if they were a married couple with many problems, but cannot be separated. This comes from being together for a very long time, which means they must be old. Another clue of their ages comes when Pozzo and Lucky come into play. “Pozzo: You are severe. (To Vladimir.) What age are you,
Once again Vladimir asks Estragon and Estragon forgets. Vladimir also notices that the tree has blossomed overnight. Vladimir is the only one to notice anything different from the day before. Vladimir is the only one with some memory, probably why they wait for Godot every day. Everyday Godot never shows up, so the constant cycle continues. It is the most useless cycle, but they still have a little hope. That one day Godot shows up and saves them. So Vladimir waits for Godot for as long as he can, but has no idea how long he has waited because he does not understand

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