Disasters Of A Natural Disaster

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This report is about natural disasters. It refers to the most devastating and powerful natural phenomena that cause major destruction. These hazards include earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. All of the mentioned natural hazards are described in great detail. It is important to understand the level of destruction these phenomena bring and realise the necessity to take immediate actions if a natural disaster occurs.
Natural disaster is an emergency situation posing significant danger to life and property that results from a natural cause. There are several types of these natural phenomena: avalanches, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunamis, blizzards, hurricanes, droughts, hailstorms, heat waves, tornadoes, …show more content…

It is a sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material. These phenomena are rather complex just like hurricanes that were mentioned earlier. A volcano is a mountain which has a reservoir of molten rock below the surface of the earth. Unlike most mountains, volcanoes have openings in their centres through which molten rock escapes to the earth’s surface. When pressure from gases within the molten rock becomes too great, an eruption occurs. Lava and other volcanic material is burst out from volcanos in many distinct ways. These ways were named after the manner in which some well-known volcanoes erupted. These are as follow: Strombolian eruption (looks like fireworks), Vulcanian eruption (whitish clouds of ash are formed), Vesuvian eruption (thick cauli-flower shaped ash-clouds are formed), Phreatic eruption (cold ground or water comes into contact with hot molten rock) and several other types. Actually somewhere, around the world, there are about twenty active volcanoes erupting at this very moment. Between fifty to seventy volcanoes erupted last year, and about a hundred and sixty went off in the last decade. What is more, some of the most deadly volcanoes in the entire world include Krakatoa, which erupted in 1883, releasing a tsunami that killed thirty six thousand

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