Students Spending Habits Essay

1291 Words3 Pages

Soo-hyun Cha
BU 5851
Research Paper
Assignment #1
Dr. Garett
College Students ' Spending Habits The demographic profile for today 's college students has changed significantly over the past few years. A few decades ago the typical age for college students was eighteen to twenty-one. Today more students are in their mid-twenties and work part time jobs. This creates a larger amount of disposable income for college students and the stereotypical, starving student, does not apply like it did a few years ago. With this in mind, it is important to understand the spending habits of college students have changed over the years as well.
While some students struggle to make ends meet, the stereotypical college experience of eating Ramen Noodles, …show more content…

Many college students work part time jobs, or work during their summers, and receive money from their parents for tuition and spending. With college loans, grants and financing becoming easier to receive, and more plentiful, this adds to the total dollars of non-discretionary funding for college students. Another thought process is that more and more college students are going part time and taking five to seven years to complete their education instead of the traditional 4 years.
Study Breaks College Media reported that the typical college student gets an average of $757 a month from parents, jobs, or other sources. 45 percent of students ' main source of income is their parents, 40 percent from Job, and 15 percent from loans. Nationwide Bank announced that three out of four college students hold jobs while in college and most often one of the followings: waiter/hostess/bartender, resident assistant, babysitter, or tutor. Through part-time jobs and help from their parents or other family members, the average student income is about $1,200 per month, which is only $14,400 per

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