Causes Of Cohabitation And Marriage

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Cohabitation is a trend constantly growing in today’s society. Nearly every country has experienced declines in marriage and increases in the number of cohabiting couples. Cohabiting couples, or cohabitation, is the act of two individuls living together without the title of marriage. In most cases, cohabitation involves sharing and living under the same, or similar, conditions as a married couple. Cohabitation has become more common among all age groups, and has replaced marriage, due to various reasons revolving the coming of age in our new society. An obvious cause that is probable for the influx in cohabitation rates is low levels of commitment. Ideally, marriage is implied to be the “ultimate level of trust” between two people (Perelli-Harris). This union between two people branches off into different dimensions of commitment; security and stability, emotional, and the role of loved ones in the declaration …show more content…

Unfortunately, marriage within the twenty first century is not something that has been promised to be forever. Therefore, a divorce between married couples seem to be growing at a faster rate than ever before. Divorce comes with not only the financial burden, but the emotional trauma. According to Brienna Perelli-Harris, “...divorce is expensive and complex and in many cases associated with anger, stress and bureaucratic obstacles.” With this idea of divorce, cohabitation is shown in a brighter light. Cohabiting couples, if separated, can do so with greater freedom. With greater freedom, seperation becomes something that is “easier to dissolve for any reason” (Perelli-Harris). Often, those in a marriage cannot leave each other too easily because of society’s common ideals of what a marriage should be; a union meant to be forever. Therefore, cohabitation is on the rise due to the stress free ending it would allow for each partner to

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