Human Development And Jean Piaget's Theory Of Cognitive Development

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A number of aspects can influence one’s mind and its relationship with the world, and how it grows and flourishes. Both genetic and environmental traits have a contribution to the development of cognition and intelligence. Biologically, a person is born with the same number of brain cells they will ever possess, however, a person’s complete brain function capacity and strength will take years to solidify as neural networks grow more complex (Hank, 2014). Biological maturation will allow for such growth processes, and it enables orderly changes in behavior to take place. Cognitive development refers to how thought, intelligence, and language processes change as people mature (King, 2017). The development of thought processes, including memory, problem-solving, and decision-making, expand from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Jean Piaget (1896-1980), proposed his theory on how children actively construct and seek to Piaget’s theory has been widely criticized for its over simplicity, and how rigid is it when it classifies certain abilities to certain age groups (Hank, 2014). Scientists have detected phases described by Piaget far way before Piaget theorized. Also, Piaget may have overestimated the cognitive ability of adolescents and adults, as formal operational cognition does not come as steady as Piaget envisioned. Nevertheless, Piaget has been extremely influential in developing educational policy and teaching practice for children (Mcleud, 2014), as he unraveled the image of children as active, critical thinkers.Piaget unwrapped new ways we look at how human cognition and human capacity for intelligence develops. We owe Piaget for a long list of masterful concepts that have enduring power and fascination (King,

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