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Cochise was born in the Southeastern most part of Arizona around the year 1810. His descendant line is vaguely known except that he was a descendant of a long line of Apache Chiefs. His father raised him to follow in his footsteps. Even though the Apache leaders didn't inherit their positions, Cochise had an advantage because he was the son of a chief. He was a member of the elite which was a large contributor to his becoming Chief.

The Apaches believed that at every stage of life, they were to throw a ceremony or ritual marking it. When Cochise was four days old, he was placed in a cradle called a "tosch" with a small bag containing either pollen or a claw from a hummingbird attached to it. The cradle was built by a Shaman and was used to protect Cochise from evil spirits. When Cochise first learned to walk, there would have been a ceremony to honor his first pair of moccasins. These ceremonies are social occasions to the Apache people, during which they danced, sang, and had huge feasts.

Cochise was taught Apache beliefs by his parents as soon as he was able to comprehend them. Through his parents and Apache beliefs, he was taught about Usen, the Apache God, The White Painted Woman, and The Mountain Spirits- who were king beings who the Apache's thought to have lived in the caves on Cochise's homeland. They were thought to be special protectors and helped with important ceremonies. Because of these spirits, the Apaches had a strong connection to the mountains, so they were apprehensive to move away. Cochise was also taught about Child of the Water, and Power, which is the force that raged before the universe was contained in all things.

When Cochise was seventeen years old, he became an apprentice warrior called a "dikohe" and given a different name. They gave him the name Goci, which means "his nose" referring to his large and noticeable nose. The name Goci was later turned into Cochise. He was taught by the Apaches that strict mental and physical discipline was of the utmost importance and their lives depended on it. It is said that in time, Cochise memorized every rock, tree, and hole in the Chiricahua Territory. He was also taught that "counting coup" and "stealing stealthily" were the best ways of showing enemies that you had the upper hand, rather than slaughtering others which would lead to more bloodshed.

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