Examples Of Communication: The First Barriers To Effective Communication

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Cliché is the first barrier to effective communications. "If only I had a nickel for every cliché I 've heard," is an example. It 's a worn-out analogy that has been abused by society. These trite sayings blur the meaning from your intended use, and because of that, your message gets garbled. Relying on clichés can be a sign of a poor vocabulary and can affect how the clients see you or the company.
Jargon is our next hurdle to overcome. I believe jargon to be one of the most difficult to plow through when writing or speaking on a subject you 're most familiar with. Doctors communicate in doctor-speak, lawyers, in lawyer-speak, engineers, in engineer-speak, to name a few. While an oversimplification, you do, in a way, go to college to learn how to communicate with other doctors, lawyers, and engineers. When speaking to an audience that is unfamiliar with your lingo or catch phrases, you may leave them in the dark as to what you 're trying to state. Even a simple statement of "The WAN was down" makes some wonder, "What does that mean?" While they 're chewing on what you 're talking about, they 'll miss the rest of your point. Again, even if you explain that a WAN is a Wide Area Network, it may still leave your audience lost. To clarify, if you had simply said, "The network was down", it would express the issue while not requiring a degree …show more content…

Slang is uncommon buzzwords that have a meaning only to those that are in-the-know. For instance, the sentence, "That mooley was so slay, he had every ROTFL" would be translated, "That standup comedian was so funny, he had everyone rolling on the floor laughing." While chatting once online, I came across a guy from the same neighborhood as my wife. To prove it, he wanted us to talk in that neighborhood 's slang. A neighbor used to say, "nuke it from orbit" to mean, "utterly destroy that spider in the house." Anyone outside our area would not comprehend this

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