Equal Rights In Civil Rights

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Civil rights have generally evolved since the beginning of our nation. In terms of representation, when the United States was first founded, African Americans were only accumulated as three/fifths of a person in term of the total population of a state and representation. At this time they were not considered real people by the white population. African slaves were treated like property instead of people, and were used as a source of cheap free labor. These people had no rights if they were slaves and if they were free, then they were in what freedoms they had. For an African American to have a relationship with a White person was prohibited and punishable by death. The roles that women were supposed to fulfill during this era were in the kitchen cooking and cleaning along with the raising of children. They could not own property when they were married or vote in a public election. When the United States was founded, homosexuality was frowned upon in the society and categorized with sodomy coinciding with the death penalty.
After a long period time, slaves gained their freedom in the mid nineteenth century and citizenship, but not equal rights. In the population, they are represented as a full person, but not viewed a civilized …show more content…

On the other hand, some citizens are mistreated by other people and misunderstood by the popular opinion, also as a result from 9/11 and countless other terrorist and extremist events. A reaction due to the wrong doing to some of these groups has led to protest and even rioting. Women have equal rights as men, and some rights are adjusting to what better suite each gender. As the most controversial topic women also have the right to get an abortion. An important change to civil rights it the legalization of the right for homosexual people to marry nationwide. Homosexuality is frowned upon still in some areas of the United Stated, but not as much in the past

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