Persuasive Essay On Childhood Obesity

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Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is associated with a lack of physical activity and improper diets. It is a condition where a person has too much fat cause by high calorie intake, increased television time and more video games. There are many problems that come along with being overweight or obese and many reasons for obesity in children, but luckily there are methods to stop the problem. As Ezzeldin Aly states in “Childhood Obesity in the United States of America”, the solution to childhood obesity is the community and education. As parents and teachers, everyone should work together to help children chose a better diet and encourage them to stay active. Childhood obesity is on the rise in America and is becoming an epidemic that everyone must work together to solve. Childhood obesity has made a dramatic increase in the past twenty years (Aly). Many problems come along with obesity such as type II diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. Diabetes is considered as one of the obesity-related diseases; type II diabetes in children is linked with obesity; when the pancreas starts to produce the insulin hormone, excess body fat will not allow a child’s body to use the insulin as it …show more content…

Parents should start early with their children, giving them a proper diets and allowing them to be active. Preschool is an essential time for obesity prevention, as children are developing eating and physical activity habits (Mazzeo, Arens, Germeroth, and Hein 11). Children should have at least two to three hours of physical activity every day. Today there are more hours spent on television, games systems, and computers than our children need. Technology has become one of the key reasons of obesity in children. Children need to stay active whether it is at school, home, or both. Parents can take their children to a safe park, take an evening walk, ride bikes, go swimming or play

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