Gender Roles In Christine De Pizan And Thucydides

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Though some view it as something that is concrete and cannot be changed, gender is an idea of how each human perceives themselves. Gender is nothing but a concept that is very fluid and can change throughout each generation. Unfortunately, though there is potential for change, human kind has barely made the effort to do so until recent years (barely) and continues to pretend as though these views of the sexes are set in stone. There is still this idea remaining that men should be the “ideal citizen” that brings honor, and that women should be meek and seen not heard. When comparing the views of these gender roles Christine de Pizan and Thucydides (through the voice of Pericles) have differing yet similar views on what is considered to be the …show more content…

Men are to represent both the man and the women in the social realm and are the “breadwinners” and women are to be the domestic housewives. This difference in roles is especially prevalent in Thucydides’s text. He asserts that citizenship in Athens was closely tied to the honor of battle and the political sphere. Citizens were expected to be active in the social and political sphere, as well as die with honor in battle. Because women could not defend themselves and represent themselves, they could not obtain citizenship, and it is precisely because they did not have citizenship that they could not represent themselves. This allowed for men to look down on women because they could not perform the civic duty that they were not even allowed to do. Therefore, there was this confusing cycle that women were trapped in. Christine de Pizan, however, challenges this notion that women have no say in the social sphere. She does this personally in her life when she manages her own land, and writes her own books. Again, her case is extremely rare in that influence and background as the wife of a nobleman allowed for this. Her education also was a great asset and in normal circumstances, had she been a woman with no social standing, this would not have been possible. Pizan also challenges the cultural role set in place; she is on one hand, still a mother who takes care of her children, but on the other hand she is also the “breadwinner” of the house. It is precisely because she is able to do both of these things, that she is able to stress the equality of both genders in both spheres of

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