Character Analysis on Odysseus from Odyssey by Homer

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In the book odyssey that was written by Homer, the main character Odysseus, king of Ithaca, is trying ot get back to his homeland. He ends up facing tons of obstacles. He has a lot of characteristics. Wise and determined show a lot through out the story. Odysseus shows that he is wise through out the story such as when odysseus had to decide which was the best way to go, by Scylla or by Charybdis. Scylla was a six-foot headed monster, who sat up on and pulled people off of their ship and ate them. Charybdis was a giant monster made of a whirl pool to where if they got caught by Charybdis there was no way they were going to get out of this one. Odysseus had to make a very wise decision. Either he and his men could try and get through Scylla and take a risk of losing quite a few men or to try and get through Charybdis and take a chance of losing his ship, his men, and even possibly himself. Another example of when odysseus shows him being wise is when they run into the lotus eaters while they are on their mission. The lotus eaters were able to get odysseus’ men to try the flower (drug). It made then forget completely about their homeland to where they didn’t want to go back. Odysseus says no we have to get back home, we can’t stay here there flowers are very bad for you guys. He was wise enough to realize that the lotus was bad for them and that they had to get back to Ithaca. The final example of odysseus showing that he is wise while he is on his journey is when they saw a cave and thought that they night go in there for a while. Well comes to find out it wasn’t just any ole empty cave. It belonged to someone, that cave belonged to polyphemus, one of the Cyclops. Cyclops only have one eye. They get trapped inside polyphemus ... ... middle of paper ... ...e getting the polyphemus drunk off of wine, making him go to sleep, stabbing the one and only eye that polyphemus had out, and his himself and his men under the bellies of the sheep. The last and final example of odysseus showing that he is determined was that odysseus didn’t know that he was going to go through as much trouble as he and his men did. Even though his men didn’t think it was such a good idea to continue on with the trip. Odysseus wanted to make sure that he got back to Ithaca no matter what he went through. He had to deal with the Cyclops, the suitors, scyall and Charybdis, and a lot more people. Odysseus went through so much trouble to try and get to his wife Penelope back in Ithaca. I think homer wrote this story to show that no matter what you go through to never give up on your destiny. Your characteristics come to you as you go along your way.

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