Cell Phone Radiation May Help Alzheimer's Disease

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Every 71 seconds in this country, someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and in a startling new report out today from the Alzheimer's Association, predicts that one out of every eight baby boomers-- or almost 10 milllion Americans – is expected to develop this disease, (Mckenzie). The University of South Florida has led a study along with the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center which has abandoned the idea that cell phone radiation is detrimental to our health. The experiment studied the effects of cell phones on Alzheimer's. Professor Arendash, started this study by noticing that the students in the hallway of the university had cell phones plastered to their ears. He set up the experiment with lab mice, beaming electromagnetic signals at them two hours a day, for eight months, this is the equivalent to daily phone use for 25 to 30 years for humans. The results surprised the research team. Over a long period of time, the radiation that the mice received, correlated with improved memory in normal mice, and helped to protect the mice from dementia and in some cases, reverse dementia. Arendash thought it was a sporadic event. Further testing showed that the mice who were genetically programmed to develop dementia had retained memories after the lengthy blasts of radiation. The autopsies showed that the protein clumps associated with Alzheimer's were fewer in those mice who received radiation compared to the mice who did not.

Obviously, the mice did not use miniature cell phones; however, their whole bodies were bombarded by a tower of radiation set at a frequency of 916 megahertz, just like an American cell phone. Mice were tested in a water maze, where they swam and tried to find locations of underwater platforms which a...

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...ology could be quickly translated to human benefit against AD" said USF's Chuanhai Cao, PhD, the other major study author. "Since production and aggregation of β-amyloid occurs in traumatic brain injury, particularly in soldiers during war, the therapeutic impact of our findings may extend beyond Alzheimer's disease."

This research extremely excites me. My grandfather is suffering from Alzheimer's. All of his sisters died from the disease at a young age. He is still very active; however, doesn't react well with the Alzheimer's medication and is leaving the disease to do whatever it pleases. Alzheimer's affects so many people, and if science research can continue this great discovery we could have answers and treatment readily available. Although I believe this treatment has a long way to go, I believe it is a great discovery for health, science, and technology.

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